Sometimes you stumble on something completely unexpected in the vast world of internet, something which really makes your day. When randomly browsing and looking for something, the sheer volume of trashy sites and dishonest people writing blog posts and comments makes you sick. And then you encounter something pure, a site that is so clearly designed and run by the most honest and giving people you could imagine, that you just have get in touch with them.
Maybe this was an exaggerated introduction. Nevertheless, I want to share a story about a wonderful project which I much appreciate.
If you want to become a real designer, you have to study a lot, inspire yourself and constantly be on the lookout for new trends and other designers who come up with interesting concepts. Of course, enrolling into a design course at a college is one of the best ideas when you dream about a design career. If you have enough talent, there is a plethora of choices in Canada, public or private.
Not all people are lucky enough to live in Canada. Imagine the talent that is hidden in the rest of the world, in the third world countries. Imagine there are NO courses for you to attend, because you simply don't have the money to pay the tuition.
And then, you find this wonderful website,
Interaction-Design, with a whole library of design resources from the world's biggest authorities, most respected designers and college professors. How come something like this became reality? Take a passionate couple, take their dream, sack them, let them live for a few bucks a couple on an island in Thailand for a couple of months, and you have it! Mads Soegaard and Rikke Dam, a danish couple have build the this site from scratch and are now helping hundreds of poor hopefully-future-designers in the pursue of their dream. If you find their cause worthy,
donate to the Interaction-Design project!